About Us

We believe in the complete working Rottweiler - health, conformation, character, working ability, versatility, intelligence, courage, desire to please and willingness to work. We adhere to the FCI Breed Standard for the Rottweiler. We are members of the USRC (United States Rottweiler Club), ADRK (Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub), UScA (United Schutzhund Clubs of America), SWDT Sherwood Dog Training Club and TMDA (Tri Mountain Dogsport Association) - a USRC member club. We are an AKC Breeder of Merit. We strictly adhere to the USRC breeding regulations and membership agreement.
We believe the best Rottweilers in the world are bred in Germany, the birthplace of the Rottweiler and the ADRK has preserved the true Rottweiler through their selective and controlled breeding practices - by only breeding dogs that have been tested in temperament and working ability by obtaining a minimum of a BH and Ztp (Zuchttauglichkeitspruefung) as well in health by being tested for hip and elbow dysplasia. Our dogs are German imports or direct descendants of German imports out of our own breeding program.

All of our dogs must have the appropriate OFA health certifications for this breed and meet our standards in both conformation and temperament. Our dogs are selected and bred for the purpose of betterment of the breed, proving themselves on the Schutzhund field, the obedience ring and the show ring. We actively train, trial and show our dogs in many different venues which enables us to accurately and honestly evaluate our dogs and our breeding program.
We selectively breed litters out of the highest quality dogs to produce top quality Rottweiler puppies. Our goal is to produce excellent Rottweilers that consistently exceed expectations. We specifically breed for health, temperament, type, versatility and working ability to produce balanced puppies suitable for show, work or companion. Puppies from our breeding are AKC registered and sold with health guarantees.
We occasionally have adult or youth Rottweilers for sale. We offer limited stud services to qualified females including shipping of fresh chilled of frozen semen from our Rottweiler stud dogs. We also have a limited quantity of frozen semen available from accomplished Rottweiler stud dogs from the past. We are active in Rottweiler Rescue and occasionally have rescue dogs available for adoption.

Quality doesn't happen by accident, it is only through careful selection of genetically sound breeding partners from many generations of proven dogs that a breeder can be assured they are producing specific desirable traits. A "breeder" must be dedicated to the standard of the breed in character, conformation, health and working ability. That is what breeding is all about.
Whether you are looking for a well bred, quality Rottweiler for show, work, sport, service,
protection or a well bred, quality family companion, we can help select a Rottweiler that will
be right for you.
We have been raising, training, showing and trialing Rottweilers since 1983.


Dog Sport
